caroline and i have been working on a book together for about a year - Lost Cat, A Story of Love, Desperation and GPS Technology. today we turned it into our publisher. it will be out in a year.
Big news on the My Life Is True front: in addition to the Bay Area's KQED, MLIT is now airing nationally on NPR's Marketplace, with a listenership of over 8 Million. It is also hosted on PRX and you can subscribe to the My Life Is True podcast. Huge props to Doug McGray and Anne Stuhldreher for creating this incredible project.
I wrote and drew an article for the Bold Italic about some of SF's best bloggers. It's more like a love letter, really. Here are a few of the portraits:
the piece i did for the New York Times on famous writers' fuel was featured in Design Indaba Magazine. check it out if you can - it's a really beautiful magazine out of south africa - this issue was guest edited by Marije Vogelzang and focuses on food and design.
and in other big My Life Is True News, NPR's Marketplace has started airing the stories to its 9 Million listeners. (9 million! huge cheers to marketplace.)
i'm in indiana without a scanner all this week so this will have to do for now. i'll have plenty more to post from holidays and new years and other stuff when i return to sf.
prints available for purchase on 20x200 and etsy. for things you don't see there, email. to inquire about originals, email. to chat about the weather, email.